Video Credit: @kellymlacy
All writing is my own.
Polish-speaking and non-Polish-speaking scholars alike have agreed that the voice of 1996 Nobel Laureate WisÅ‚awa Szymborska is utterly distinct, despite the fact that her poems explore a wide range of topics and are told from multiple narrative perspectives, rarely featuring herself through any personal details. How, then, is it possible for hundreds of poems, each with their own narrator, to still be “heard” as the voice of Szymborska?
How Neoclassic female writers-- specifically Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu-- deployed wit in their poetry to challenge contemporary standards against which men and women were held.
How Tolstoy uses physical spaces to control the behaviours of his two most epic couples: Anna and Vronsky, and Kitty and Levin.
An exploration into whether Austen's male characters-- her "heroes" in Emma, Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion-- can be seen as feminists in the context of eighteenth-century Britain.
An essay about inauthentic relationships between the heroines of Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey, and their slightly less heroic counterparts.
A creative project documenting three generations of Britons, whose lives were affected by the Protestant Reformation.
Psychological Science
This research examines whether empathy can be influenced by the belief that a text is fiction or nonfiction, as well as by the presentation of different types of discussion questions.
With the goal to suggest ways that courts can build a jury for sexual assault cases with as little bias as possible, this essay will also use psychological studies to explain aspects in society which contribute to juror bias.